Nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay
Nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay

nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay

The ability to choose your own way is amazing not only for those disinterested in the lore, but for Diablo III veterans that want to jump right back into the action as well. The primary fault could very well stem from the transition of almost silent demon lords in Diablo II to the mocking you at every opportunity kind found in Diablo III.Īnd if you really don’t care at all about the story, you can actually ignore it entirely on the Switch version by diving right into the Adventure Mode instead of the story-driven Campaign Mode. While the story for Diablo III has not been as well received as earlier games in the series, it is still a good experience.

nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay

All of the Diablo games are rich in lore, so there will be no spoilers here. But the actual line between good and evil isn’t always cut and dry, as history of both the mortal and otherworldly realms have shown that, time and time again, neither side has the nephalem’s best interest at heart.ĭiablo III has the nephalem taking to the battlefield to combat new threats and recurring baddies, alongside new and familiar companions from the previous entries. You play as a nephalem, the progeny of angels and demons that almost always finds a way to get caught up in the eternal conflict between its forefathers. Diablo III pits you into the world of Sanctuary, the dark world that is the focal point of the Diablo series.

Nintendo switch diablo 3 gameplay